
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Zombie Baby

     A doll found at a garage sale inspired this project. I had seen pictures of zombie dolls used for Halloween props and hoped to try making my own at some point. This fellow seemed perfect for the project, especially since his body held a now-nonfunctional voice recorder that weighted him enough to sit securely on the front porch swing without being blown off by autumn winds. Rissy was eager to help and the first step was to color his face and extremities black with acrylic paint. When completely dry, we dipped a rag in white paint and rubbed it over the black to get a 'decomposed' look, leaving the lips blood red. The brown eyes were left untouched also and because they were movable, added an eerie touch. A striped shirt and blue pants completed his ensemble and while Rissy, who doesn't like clowns, thought them appropriate, I think next year I will dress my zombie boy in blood-stained tatters.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Curtain Call

     The sun had begun to rise and though the room was still dark, this skeletal fellow loomed just bright enough to cause a slight rise in my heart rate this morning. Although he is only a plastic window cling and I was the one who placed him there, that leering grin managed to startle me momentarily as I entered the room.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Autumn Wreath for Mom

     Of course, it's imperative for Mom to keep up with the other residents at the facility where she is now living. And since several apartment doors boasted Halloween decor and because holidays have always been important to her, she requested an autumn wreath to hang near her entry. After searching through the remnants of her Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations, I gathered together two old wreaths that were skimpy on foliage, etc. and some leftover silk flowers and leaves from other arrangements. Combining them and adding a tiny birdnest (Mom has always been a bird lover) on top gave a richer fuller look to the finished wreath. I thought perhaps the orange gingham bow was just a bit too small but Mom loved it and is proud of her new fall flourish.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tribute to 1355

     Yesterday was a bittersweet day. An interested buyer made an offer on the house in which I grew up and where my mother had lived from 1959 to just recently, when it was necessary for her to move to an assisted-living apartment. My six siblings and I are excited, thankful and a little sad (Mom signed the contract with tears in her eyes but felt a little better when I told her that the house needed to be filled with a happy family who would take care of it, not dark, empty and musty). All summer we sorted, boxed, trashed and cleaned, and in September we held an estate sale. The five bedroom house seems smaller now - not quite the same any more and yet it holds so many memories. The stories of many lives began or were influenced here, struggles were overcome, traditions were established, tears and laughter intermingled. In the 1960's there were no less than five children in every house on the block, so the backyards echoed with voices at play and the streets were busy with bicycles, skates and strollers. It's quieter now - families are smaller and people spend much less time outdoors. So the house will embrace a different family now but we will hold the house forever in our hearts.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tribute to Another House: Bockrath-Wiese

     Yup that's me sitting on the steps of a house that is not mine. Young Rissy had the camera in hand that day (she is a quick study and has a good eye - teaching her photography is a pleasure!) and I had just told her that this well-preserved old home was a particular favorite, so acting as director as well, she suggested I be in one of the pictures.  I don't appear in many photos since I am usually on the other end of the camera, so I followed instructions and actually like this shot.
     But now back to the main story here - the house, which is situated on the eastern side of St. Ferdinand Park, on a hillside overlooking the pond (because of the rolling grassy fields and stands of mature trees, the surrounding area retains the atmosphere of a farm). Built in 1870 by Henry Bockrath, a prosperous German immigrant, the simple red brick farmhouse has beautiful details: segmented arches with radiating brick voussoirs above the windows, the denticulated frieze on the south facade, and the single stack chimneys flanking both sides. Even the random stone foundation is appealing.
     Rissy and I enjoyed trying to imagine the life of the family that first resided here - besides the house there is nothing left to indicate daily activities. The city and subdivisions surrounding the park have changed and grown during the last century, but the house remains the same - silent and serene, watching the seasons come and go and filled with its own memories.

Monday, October 22, 2012

White Chocolate and Cherry Cookies

     Pop has a special affinity for dried berries and one of his favorite cookies are Hootycreeks (oatmeal with white chocolate chips, nuts and cranberries). However, having only dried cherries and white chips on hand, a variant was necessary so a Toll House type dough was used and the result was pretty tasty. The half-gallon of milk in the refrigerator disappeared as quickly as the cookies.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


     Autumn brings a host of color and activity, which is always welcome before the gray winter commences. We always enjoy a trip to the pumpkin farm, where we tour the Halloween exhibits, admire the farm animals and wander amid huge piles of orange pumpkins. Then we stop in the open-air market area to buy apple cider and and a few late season vegetables. All the while, a gentle wind rallies the cornstalks, sunshine warms the afternoon air and over all, the sky stretches far and wide in a brilliant blue. The girls are not so little anymore but still like to climb on the biggest pumpkins and pick out little ones to take home.
      Pumpkins are soon set aside and cell phones take precedence in the back seat of the car on the way home. After appreciating the myriad colors at the farm, this photo seemed to lend itself to the understatement and intrique of black and white.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Kielbasa with Brussel Sprouts 'n' Onions

     I'm not only proud of my Polish heritage, I actually like Polish food. The authentic fare is hearty and filling, though sometimes it demands a lot of time to prepare. This favorite entree, however, is simple to prepare and roasts quickly in the oven. Kielbasa and brussel sprouts is not a traditional dish, but combines the distinctive sausage alongside baby sprouts and sliced red onions, stirred with a tiny bit of oil. So tasty and so simple!

Monday, October 8, 2012

A Ducky Day

     Sometimes we will visit St. Ferdinand Park to ride our bikes or do a little fishing in the pretty little lake but on a recent Sunday afternoon, Rissy and I went on a camera expedition. We brought some stale bread to share with our feathered friends and this little group was especially interested and proved to be very photogenic. They were a varied group, almost a lesson in integration, and the overcast sky muted the landscape to provide a good background for their contrasting colors. 

The followers were content to have a stalwart leader as they paraded past us from their grassy resting area into the lake. And back at home later that same day, as the sun began to set, we were thrilled to see a cloud formation that had an uncanny resemblance to that fine fellow!