
Saturday, August 12, 2017

Lil' Joan on the Beach

     Memories of one's mother are usually of an adult - a loving, authoritarian figure who provided and guided through our early years and even into our own adulthood - so a peek into their childhood can be fun and revelatory. These photos are of my own mother, taken in the very late 1920's. Western Michigan boasts so many beautiful lakes that I have no clue where they were taken, but it's obvious little Joan was a happy beachcomber!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Birthday Fuit Cake

     A coworker's birthday is a good opportunity to have fun in the kitchen and take creative license.  Cake or cupcakes are always welcome but Jan leans towards healthier eating so for her special day, which occurs in the steamy interim that is early August, I chose to make a multi-layered "fruit cake". Watermelon sliced thickly formed the three-layer base which was then adorned with whole blackberries, half slices of kiwi and cantaloupe stars. Toothpicks were used as necessary for stabilization. For serving, the watermelon was cut into wedges, removed to a plate and then a few of the other fruits spooned over. Jan was glad she didn't have to blow out candles!


Sunday, August 6, 2017

Summer Living (at age four in the late 1950's)

     It's often said that living was simpler "back then". Perhaps it was or maybe it was just different, just as everyone's childhood holds memories that are poignant but individual. Having only vague recollections of my life in Michigan, I treasure these photos that depict happy times in the backyard of our home on Chamberlain Street. At the time, I had four siblings and plenty of neighbors for playmates but could easily and happily amuse myself, hanging freshly washed doll clothes out to dry or lounging in a tub of water. Little did I know then that it was to be our last summer here - in the autumn we would move to Missouri.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

August Morning Color

    On weekend mornings, I go exploring in the gardens with my camera. Why? Because there is no time during the work week to pay any attention to the growing elements, so with the passage of seven days many changes occur - some subtle and some striking - but all intriguing. Today I found one of my favorites, an artemisia at its peak, lush and feathery and fully living up to its name, Silver Mound. The purple petunias behind and the white alyssum to the front contrast nicely.

     Yellow banana peppers are bright but glow even more when highlighted by the rising sun. I hate to pick them because the plants have such a delightful appearance, tall verdant greenery hung with myriads of peppers, almost like a summer Christmas tree!