
Monday, November 8, 2010

Bridal Shower Cakes

     A dear friend and co-worker recently celebrated marriage to her long-time(eighteen years!) partner. Of course, a shower was held beforehand (at Hendel's Market Cafe and Piano Bar, a grocery store built in 1873 that has been renovated into a charming yet elegant restaurant), and of course, I offered to bring the cake. After browsing several websites and images, and considering the simple but determined taste of the bride-to-be, I chose a fondant covered layer cake with a minimum of decoration surrounded by buttercream frosted cupcakes. Never having used fondant, I wanted to try it and now I had an excuse for the experience. It was interesting and fun, but I do believe I prefer using frosting.
     The cake batter was dark chocolate with a hint of creme de menth and the vanilla frosting tinted to match the bridal party colors. The shower was declared a big success and the cakes enjoyed by all.

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