
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Custom Bling

     A small box of old jewelry from a thrift shop yielded a couple of trash-worthy strings of plastic beads but also several pairs of clip-on type earrings. Having seen large cluster rings become popular recently, I decided to take apart the earrings and wire them to plain ring forms (which can be bought at craft or bead stores but I had a few in my jewelry box). The clips actually broke away easily after a few bends with a pair of pliers and then I looped a six-inch strand of beading wire through the earring backing and around the ring form a couple times, crimped it tightly and clipped the wire tails. Since it will only be worn a few hours at a time and then exclusively to holiday parties, the simple construction should hold up fine. And since this is the gifty season and the original earring was one of a pair, I can bestow the other ring accordingly.

     Another plus to this project is that I bought a lovely, silky top that has a high neck, almost like a turtleneck, with soft pleats down the front; a necklace or a pin seemed out of the question, but a ring sporting a large cluster of gems would be just the right accessory.

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