
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sandwich Platter

     Christmas day for the entire extended family was held at our home this year. It was a bittersweet affair - bitter because for the last fifty-one years we've all spent the holiday in the five-bedroom house where we grew up and where Mom still lives, and sweet because we were less stressed about over-taxing her eighty-three year old sensiblities. But what to feed the hungry horde? I'd seen a brochure from a local market that featured party foods and happened upon a lovely sandwich platter, which also happened to be very expensive. So I bought all the ingredients a couple days ahead and early in the afternoon on Christmas, with the market's photo as a guide, I put together my own platter. It made a beautiful presentation and was tasty as well - at the end of the night there was only one pita left!

     The pita pockets are stuffed with ham, colby cheese, lettuce and tomato; the foccacia featured turkey, provolone, lettuce and tomato with a cherry tomato garnish. Mayo and mustard were on the side for those who preferred condiments, as were multiple and varied side dishes provided by siblings and cousins

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