
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Spam Me

     This bowl contains a meal that is the anti-thesis of my usual cooking approach. Yes I am an ingredient snob, preferring homemade that begins with fresh, raw or unrefined foods. It is a principle that developed gradually and becomes more obvious when my family askes for an old familiar dish. As newlyweds some thirty years ago, husband and I had little disposable income, and at first he scoffed at my Marco Polo Mac (recipe came from an  indeterminate origin, possibly my mother, is nutrition free and chock full of salts, preservatives, and additives). Today he requested it. So off to the market I went to buy macaroni and cheese, canned mushroom soup and, horror of horrors - Spam! With a little chopped onion and green pepper sauteed in butter, and a cup of milk - voila - comfort food.

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