
Friday, February 4, 2011

Early Birds - The Robins of Winter

     Earlier this week blizzard warnings plastered the television, radio and computer for hours on end. So it was with a mixture of relief and disappointment that we only got a couple inches of sleet and a few snowflakes. However to the north and west conditions were miserable and perhaps that is why a small flock of robins has taken up residence in the shrubbery behind my office. The branches and dried berry clusters are coated with ice but the birds are determined to stave their hunger.

 In the afternoon as the sun rose higher, the temperature still hovered in the teens but the brick and concrete walls must have held some warmth as the fluffy little fellows gathered close.

Waiting patiently for a drop of water to fall, this robin must be sure to drink before the drop freezes.

And whether by chance or design, this less than gregarious mockingbird seemed resigned to being a part of the group.

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