
Friday, March 11, 2011

Of Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Wet Concrete

     A sullen mood has enveloped our house for a few days because the recent heavy rains have caused the basement to become a sieve. Leaks have sprung from the east, south and west walls. There are no visible cracks  but because we live at the bottom of a low hill and in a creek bottom, the water table is high and the ground becomes saturated quickly. Because we are aware of this problem, the only dry corner to the northeast contains the carpeted media room. The concrete floors of the other areas (laundry, workroom, recreation area and storage) are usually kept clutter free and everything else is slightly raised by plastic furniture glides or wood slats. So nothing is ruined but while the little rivers run and pool, they are annoying, smelly, etc.

     However this morning the news releases on television are showing horrific destruction from an earthquake and tsunami in Japan, with more disaster possible in other areas. This terrible affliction makes my petty basement tribulation seem so very insignificant. I am humbled and my prayers go out to the ruined lives of the affected Japanese people.

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