
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring Visit to the Stable

     We look forward to spring break for several reasons: a hiatus from school, the feeling that winter is finally over, but mostly for a visit to Crescent Stable to see Scout and his friends. The designated week opened with three gloriously sunny and warm days but on Friday, my day off work and consequently the day chosen for our excursion, the morning dawned with clouds and snowflakes. Not to be deterred by Mother Nature, we dressed warmly and armed with a bag of carrots for the horses, extra dry gloves for the girls, and cameras fully charged, our little entourage piled into the car for the forty minute drive. Even such a short distance evoked the familiar, "Are we there yet?" more than once from Rissy, but upon arriving, she was silenced by the convention of several cardinals in the budding trees near the feeder and even took some rather good photos of them.

Scout knew the bag of apples and carrots came from the car. Was he checking to see if there were any more?

Rissy's pink attire, snow-white Cherokee and the white iron gate were in vivid contrast to the drab brown background of a wet day (that felt more like winter than spring).


After an introduction and a wary appraisal of each other, Rissy and handsome Ace, the newest member of the herd, became acquainted.

Friendly, gentle Tom posed for the camera, perhaps to show off his winter whiskers.

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