
Friday, May 27, 2011

Old St. Ferdinand Shrine

    One of my favorite places was established in 1789 in the township which was called St. Ferdinand by the Spanish and Fleurissant by the French ( it is now known as Florissant). The cornerstone of the shrine was laid in 1821, making it the oldest Catholic church west of the Mississippi. It replaced a church that was constructed of logs and had served the early fur traders until it was destroyed by fire.
     The church, rectory and convent have survived fire and flood and are loving maintained today by The Friends of Old St. Ferdinand Shrine. The buildings are authentically furnished and beautiful in their simplicity. A walk around the grounds or inside the buildings is a humbling, haunting transport into another era. I have been there many times and still come away feeling the spirit and courage of the early settlers.

the bellfry

interior hallway of the convent

view up St. Francois Street from the attic of the convent


  1. This was my home for twenty years (1988-2009). I am rightfully proud of what i accomplished by the grace of God and I hope that I served the people of Florissant well Mark Whealen

  2. Thank you, Mark...the shrine is truly a treasure.!

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