
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Early Summer Roses

     I can take little credit for these roses and peonies as they were in place when we bought the property, and are still thriving more than twenty years later. In all actuality, I don't care for roses as part of my landscaping scene - while the blooms are gorgeous, the canes and foliage do not appeal to me. All negativity aside (sorry!), on this particular day the air was clear and the sun so bright that all the flowers seemed to glow. And honestly I don't remember the sweet-smelling peonies and roses ever blooming at the same time.

These crimson petals have a rich velvety appearance.

It continually amazes me that this climbing rose is still covered with snowy blooms every summer, even though it is situated mostly under the shade of a very large ash tree.

This white gem is brilliant against the deep dark shade.

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