
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Good OLD Summertime

     Summer in Michigan is magical. That may be partly because it exists largely in my memory as a child there and of subsequent vacations, and partly because it really is a beautiful land of lakes, beaches, orchards and forests. My mother spent her entire childhood in Grand Rapids and in this photo, c.1929, she pauses for a moment to pose with a young friend. Kids and sand and water are a combination that is timeless, but the swimming attire of these two toddlers is a definite and amusing indicator of the era.

A couple of years later, my mother helps restrain her energetic twin cousins. It is summertime again and nostalgia is evoked by her dainty white outfit (dress, hat, shoes and socks), the boys' sailor outfits and the striped awning on the porch behind them.

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