
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Cucumber Lessons - Anticipation and Trust

     Tending to the gardens this morning, I was struck by two images among the cucumber vines. They are thriving after a somewhat slow start because of a cool, wet June, but with the advent of July and several days of simmering sun, all the garden plants are extremely vigorous. The cucumber flowers are numerous and brilliant, boding an abundant harvest. (I like nothing better than to pick a  fresh tomato, a cucumber and some basil or dill in the morning to pack for my noon lunch at work).

     The vines are planted against the southeast wall of the garage with stakes and twine for support, and usually reach all the way to the roof by season's end. In this configuration, they are easy to maintain and harvest. Tendrils curl and reach for any support, and sometimes in searching will grasp each other. Fragile at first, they soon become strong and sturdy.

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