
Sunday, August 14, 2011

"Cleora's Kitchens" (and her life)

     My day job demands rapport with dozens of people on a daily basis. The clientele is not inclusive and ranges widely - male and female, varied ages, races and nationalities. Religion and politics are not good subjects to broach when establishing or maintaining a friendly but business-like relationship with patrons; weather is mundane, and asking about health can open a voluble can of worms. I have found a topic that most adults are happy to discuss and that I enjoy. It entails a simple prompt, "I bet your mother was a good cook!" I may just get a basic list of meals or I may get something akin to a memoir. Either is enjoyable and folks seem to relax when they reminisce.
     Perhaps that is why I treasure this cookbook, Cleora's Kitchen, which is also a personal history of an amazing woman whose circumstances compelled her to be an accomplished culinarian. Because her culture and upbringing were so different from mine, I am fascinated (and awed) by her book. 

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