
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sad Struggle of a Watermelon Vine

     The big news story this week is Hurricane Irene, which is wreaking havoc all along the east coast of the Unted States. Terrific winds, rain and waves (I've learned a new term today - astronomical high tide) are moving slowly northward, pounding the area and I hope my cousins in Natick, Massachusetts stay safe. Here at home it seems petty to complain about the drought we're experiencing; lack of rainfall is easier to countenance than an overabundance. This poor little watermelon vine has struggled for two months, even with regular watering from a garden hose. Relentless heat and sun have continued to burn and wither the blossoms, and the plant is stunted with puny leaves. However this morning I was delighted to find a tiny fruit beginning to swell on the vine. With hope and a little careful nurturing, we may be able to enjoy a slice of homegrown watermelon on Labor Day!

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