
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Strawberry Chocolate Chip Crumble Bars

     A young Amish couple, selling produce at a local farmer's market, offered also a selection of jams and jellies. We could not resist this jar of strawberry conserves and were not disappointed. Toast, biscuits and even french toast proved sweetly irresistable with this topping. For last weekend's baking session, I searched for a recipe to include the conserves. (For my own satisfaction, I also had to investigate the difference between preserves and conserves. Preserves, or jam with a high fruit content, contain pectin or some other jelling agent; conserves are fruit stewed in sugar, resulting in a somewhat softer set.)
     It was easy to find a recipe, though the recipe was a little less than easy, actually a series of steps. Butter, flour and brown sugar were combined (and some reserved) to pat into a pan and bake for ten minutes. Chocolate chips melted together with sweetened condensed milk was poured over the crust and the strawberry conserve spooned over. The reserved flour mixture and then chocolate chips were sprinkled atop all and then the pan was placed back into the oven for twenty-five more minutes. The resulting bars were a crumbly delight - a  chocolate strawberry seduction. Hmmm, maybe I should rename the recipe.

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