
Monday, January 16, 2012

A Gift of Blackberries

     A neighbor gave me half of a pint of blackberries for getting her mail while she was out of town. Since I love berries, and because they are quite expensive at this time of year, the little basket was a welcome gift. A sweet coincidence also since it was baking day, in no time at all I had a yeast dough mixed up, kneaded and set to rise.
     The blackberries were luscious - big and beautiful but there were not enough for filling a coffeecake. After a pantry search, I came up with a can of peaches, which I drained and diced, and added to the berries. A quick stew with sugar and flour produced a thick filling, which was spread down the middle of the raised dough. After 'braiding' the side strips of dough over the top, and another raising, the cake was slipped into the oven to bake.

     A simple glaze iced the cake after cooling and because the holiday season was still upon us, I tossed some colored sprinkles over the top. The combination of fruits was interesting and pretty, and even the kids declared it a winner (kids who wouldn't have touched whole blackberries!)

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