
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Rudolph Crossed

     A gift that brought tears to the recipient, this colorful framed cross-stitch was ten-year-old Rissy's first neeedlework project (the inspiration was described in a previous crafty post). She was able to work on it during weekly visits to my house, wanting to keep it a secret from her mother. As Christmas loomed she knew there wasn't time for her to finish the entire scene, so I volunteered to complete the last segment - the yellow moon (which left me blurry-eyed and headachey because my vision is not optimal anymore). Anyway three days before Christmas, we shopped for a frame. The odd size required a custom-cut mat but instead we opted for red plaid ribbon shot with a gold thread. Glued in place over the mounted project, it was a delightful sparkly complement to the holiday colors. Rissy and her mother were proud of her accomplishment and they now have a treasured keepsake;  I have a grand-daughter who, hopefully, will continue pursuing her new-found love of needlework

1 comment:

  1. Rissy's mother loved this gift sooo much! I showed it to everyone who happened by the house during the holidays! Thank you for encouraging and supporting a love for all things crafty.
