
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Toddler Bed Recycled from Crib

     This room has multiple uses. We call it the computer room, but it also held a baby bed for several years when the grandchildren were tiny. When they outgrew the crib, I considered replacing it with a twin bed but decided that would have taken up too much of the limited floor space. So I stored away the crib frame and utilized the nearly new mattress as part of a customized toddler bed. The base was assembled from stock storage cubes, which were bolted together and then attached to a plywood platform that had been edged with half-round molding, sanded smooth and then stained. The old but much loved crib quilt was folded at the foot of the bed and a simple new spread was sewn from homespun fabric to match the curtains. A pleasant bonus - the base provided extra storage and easy access to books, crayons and other kid stuff.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

S'more Birthday Fun

     Mikey's birthday fell very close to Superbowl Sunday so we combined the celebrations. The cake topper proclaimed a heartfelt homage to both, and the cupcakes were actually based on the ever-popular s'mores (which are usually associated with a campfire). Graham cracker crumbs and a couple of chopped Hershey candy bars were added to a yellow batter for the cakes, which, after cooling, were iced with a marshmallow buttercream frosting. Then all were topped with a sprinkle of additional graham cracker crumbs, candy bar sections and a white candle. For future reference, be it noted that extra candy is necessary because it is impossible to create these cupcakes without nibbling - a chocolate bar dipped into the frosting is a sweet treat all by itself!

The birthday gifts were presented in recycled brown kraft shopping bags, and were coordinated with the cupcake arrangement by using lime green tissue paper to match the platter. The paper lined each gift bag and topped a jar which contained a mint-chocolate chip cookie mix (Mike and his daughter enjoy baking cookies together). A black marker indicated the recipient's name, who had great fun on such a special day.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Felt Valentine

     Hanging from atop the bookcases, these cute hearts almost look like cookies. Instead they are felt confections hung by a pearl bead strand. Blanket, lazy daisy and and chain stitches are combined for a simple clean look. In fact, Valentine's Day decorations are welcome in my house for the very reason that they ARE simple, after the more elaborate (but no less loved) trappings of Christmas. The floral basket shown below, was easily adapted from one holiday to the next. Because red and gold figured prominently in the display, adding a similarly hued heart proclaiming a Valentine sentiment, transitioned the piece nicely from one winter holiday to the next.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Pecan Pie Coffee

     My siblings and I enjoy exchanging small inexpensive gifts at Christmas.  It is fun and interesting to see the often clever (and admittedly often useless) items we receive. The spirit of this custom, which just evolved over the years, is in spending more thought than cash.  Baby sister, who recently joined the half-century birthday club, gifted us with this delighful coffee; I saved it for a leisurely Saturday morning, an unusual weekend day in that absolutely no outside obligations infringed on our enterprise - a day to linger over the morning paper, bake some cookies, cradle a sleepy puppy and maybe enjoy a competitive game of Scrabble. All these occupations were enhanced by the cold snowy wind that howled outside the cozy house, and the lovely warm smell of a pot of Pecan Pie Coffee wafting throughout.

Bacon & Scallion Topped Taters

      A cold day calls for some hot potatoes and nothing rivals a bubbly dish of the scalloped variety. Oh unless cheese is added. And as an afterthought, maybe even chopped scallions (the last of the frozen stash from last summer's garden) and bacon bits (leftover from this morning's breakfast). Any entree pales in comparison and, unfortunately, there won't be anything leftover from this dish for tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Old Recipe Box

     Dovetailed, scarred but still sturdy, an old oak box makes a perfect recipe file. Sized for index cards and probably intended originally for office use, it holds all my handwritten recipes. Since my recipe collection is actually monumental, the clipped and copied pages are organized into eight binders, however a few of the simplest, most used edicts are copied onto cards. Also the oldest, including these directions for Parkerhouse Rolls. My son copied this for me from an indeterminate source, probably twenty-five years ago. It is faded and stained, but tried and true - I use it as a base for almost all of my dinner and sweet rolls, and treasure it because of the teenage scrawl.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Gazing Upward - The Hawk Moment

    A moment in time, about eight years ago, that continues to be one of my favorites - a late winter day in the park when the air was warm enough for only sweatshirts but the skies were gray and the trees were still leafless. Play was halted briefly when we sighted a hawk soaring directly above the clearing in which the playground was located. The children have inherited my love of wildlife, including birds, and enjoyed gazing upon the majesty of the redtail's wingspan and his gliding flight - their little faces are a study in wonderment.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Beige Kitty, The Feral Cat

     There is not much story behind this photograph, at least that I can relate. There has to be an explanation of why and when and where but all are conjecture. Home to this feral cat is an old stone farmhouse that was abandoned by humankind several years ago,  The caretaker of the property explained that she has never gotten within fifteen feet of Beige Kitty but does place food out for him occasionally. On winter days when the sun warms the well-worn boards of the front porch, Beige Kitty claims a resting spot on the steps and while he seems to nap, he is always wary. Our approach and the click of a camera do not startle him, only put him on alert. And though his image is captured, the journey of his life remains entirely his own.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Peppermint Balls

     Candy canes left over from Christmas were the inspriation for these Peppermint Balls. A tantalizing center of cream cheese, confectioners sugar and crushed candy was wrapped with a buttery dough, and baked quickly in a hot oven. While still warm, the cookies were rolled in a mixture of more confectioners sugar and crushed candy canes. Similar to the familiar snowballs but with a twist, the cookies were a little labor intensive but yummy, and as a bonus, the leftover sugar coating made a tasty coffee sweetener.