
Monday, February 6, 2012

Beige Kitty, The Feral Cat

     There is not much story behind this photograph, at least that I can relate. There has to be an explanation of why and when and where but all are conjecture. Home to this feral cat is an old stone farmhouse that was abandoned by humankind several years ago,  The caretaker of the property explained that she has never gotten within fifteen feet of Beige Kitty but does place food out for him occasionally. On winter days when the sun warms the well-worn boards of the front porch, Beige Kitty claims a resting spot on the steps and while he seems to nap, he is always wary. Our approach and the click of a camera do not startle him, only put him on alert. And though his image is captured, the journey of his life remains entirely his own.


  1. I just loved I was there for the taking of the picture.....Beige Kitty is loved in a way that he does not know...Everyone/everything needs to be loved!!!!!

    Thanks to the lady who cares enough and loves me enough to feed me, signed, Beige Kitty

  2. Beige kitty, I wonder what became of you after I left.
    I remember seeing you hunting in the fields. You would look up when you heard the sound of gravel. You knew my Explorer and you knew it meant warm cans of food would be in it for you. I'd see you come scampering out of the fields making your way to the old porch. I'd let you eat in "private" while I went down to the barn to feed the horses. When I was leaving the barn, I loved seeing you in the warm sun on the porch cleaning yourself up and I'd say "Good bye, beige kittty. See you tomorrow!"
