
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Borador Goes Out the Door

     The new puppy actually had no name for several days - we could not agree on one and figured somehow or other, he would earn it. Then I thought of a television series that Pop adored called The Highlander, whose main characters were Duncan and Connor MacLeod. After pointing out that Duncan was also Gaelic for dark warrior, Pop was convinced and puppy was christened.
     At seven weeks, Duncan lived up to his name as he braved the outdoors for the first time. Our dark warrior sniffed the new territory and took tentative steps over the sliding door track. A lone leaf captured his attention before he made a gigantic leap down the first step

Then another new wonder on that first step - a stick!

And a few short minutes later, we've had enough outdoors and make the giant leap, or rather climb, back inside the house for a nap. After all, warriors need rest too.

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