
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Apple Oats

     Spring in the St. Louis area is so variable that in April and early May, some folks vacillate between the furnace and the air-conditioner every few days. We don't, in our house, alternate in such extreme measures and the air-conditioner is not even uncovered until mid-May. Ceiling fans and open windows are welcome elements after a long stuffy closed-in winter. However on one of the last few chilly mornings, we enjoy a hot breakfast that is a winter weekday staple: apple oatmeal. Before cooking the rolled oats (not the instant or fast-cook variety!), I peel and chop an apple. The apple pieces are popped into a saucepan along with the oats, water and a sprinkle of cinnamon and sugar. In a few minutes, the house smells heavenly and breakfast is ready to serve. The oats are creamy, the apples stewed and the cinnamon tantalizing - a final winter meal that just might be missed!

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