
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Snow Kids

     In rereading the previous post, another winter escapade came to mind (none of us were bad children, but it seems at the time, we must have really tried the patience of our parents!) Because the subdivision in which we lived was fairly new, none of the large backyards were fenced yet, so four adjacent lots afforded a long gentle slope that was adequate for sledding. That is, it was good if the snow was of the variety that had a slick surface, otherwise the incline was just not steep enough for a very thrilling ride. The ice caper in our yard that year inspired neighbor children to follow suit and sprinkle water over their snow; soon it was frozen and that slope was not quite so safe, but oh my, was it fun! The only problem was that in our house  there were seven of us children and only one sled plus a couple of saucers. In order for all of us to enjoy the action, we searched for alternative sliding devices - something smooth, flat and large enough to hold the little kids - and found them in Mom's kitchen. Her cookie sheets were perfect!
     Well they were perfect until we returned them to their respective cabinets, thinking Mom would never notice. Unfortunately they were curved and dimpled and not at all suitable for future cookie baking.
Admonishment followed, of course, but ultimately in our favor, the battle-scarred sheets were retired from the kitchen and carried not cookies but only little snow-suited bottoms for the rest of that winter.

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