
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Dad and the Cowbird

     Dad had an affinity for wildlife - I remember a book about fish species in his office and he would often take us fishing. He also quizzed us children with flash cards about birds and could whistle some very convincing bird calls. In the summer of 1967, a small female cowbird visited our backyard. This was not unusual (our new subdivision had been carved out of farmland and orchards) but sparrows, cardinals and blue jays were more frequent guests at the feeder that hung from the lowest branch of the small sweet gum tree. What was unusual about this bird was her fearlessness - she was quite tame, especially with Dad. On the day this photo was taken, he was on the ground at her level (a less threatening stance) and we were convinced that he was conversing with her in some way. Dad's feathered friend lingered in the yard a few days and then we never saw her again, but like a snapshot of time,  the memory  of a very patient and tenderhearted man remains.

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