
Friday, August 2, 2013

The Mermaid Tail or Adventures with Photoshop (by a novice)

     Granddaughter, Rissy, had been curious about making a mermaid tail for some time. Recently the curiousity morphed into an ardent plea so knowing that soon she would be moving some distance away, I jumped at the chance to spend some time with her. We visited the local fabric store and quickly found a shelf of swimming suit lycra (lucky me - it was 40% off). There was quite an array of colors and I pointed out a metalic green print that had the look of fish scales, but Rissy was unimpressed and much preferred the hot pink. Her choice turned out to be a good one as it photographed beautifully. Anyway, we found an old pair of swim fins in the pool storage tub and duct taped them together; Rissy put them on and lay down on the fabric while I traced around her with chalk. It was a snap to cut out and sew the tail, then insert the fins. She couldn't wait to try it on and consequently we had a good laugh because the only way for her to move around was to scoot on her behind!

     I took several photographs of her sitting on the concrete porch and then more in the swimming pool (which is quite small but is blue - a bonus we soon found out.) Then we searched online for some compatible backgrounds and photoshopped the mermaid into those images. I like the moss-covered rock (which originally boasted a basking walrus) but Rissy favors the underwater scenes. She actually composed them herself, after watching me navigate the Photoshop software! All things considered, it was a productive, creative and fun afternoon.

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