
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Grandparents' Grand Rapids House

     Recently I wrote about my paternal grandfather and while searching for photos,  I found this darling Kodak portraiture of me, five of my siblings, Dad and Grandpa. The year was 1963 and this was probably the last vacation the family took to visit relatives in our hometown of Grand Rapids, traveling from our newer home in the St. Louis area. It must have been a Sunday because we were in dresses and never missed Sunday Mass in those days. However I find the photo interesting for other reasons as well. It is off-center but not awkwardly so because Grandpa stands, not with the family, but up on the porch behind, (perhaps the photographer felt the patriarch was the main subject!) 

     Anyway my attention was drawn to the house and consequently the number, 254. My memory of the house was vague and it bothered me that I could not remember the street name. Older sister, Carol, remembered only that it was close to our maternal grandmother's original home. Mom's memory could not serve her at all so I contacted my Dad's sister, who still lives in the area. She supplied me with the street name and the fact that the house was not in very good shape anymore. I found the residence on GoogleMaps and was able to zoom in pretty close. Aunt T's assessment was fitting. The bricks are chalky and discolored, the siding features mismatched colors, and the lawn is barren of any landscaping.  It made me sad...I prefer to remember the sunny image above.

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