
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Sparkly Miscanthus Display

     The early morning sun had just peeped over the roof lines east of our house. Shadows were still deep and dark but brilliant sunbeams suddenly illuminated the fall flowers of the miscanthus that border the fence, and the fronds appeared to sparkle like mini-fireworks. I knew this display would last only minutes so, still in robe and slippers, I grabbed my camera and scooted out the back door to shoot from a couple of different angles. I wonder if the neighbors have become accustomed to the crazy, camera lady who flits around the yard in her PJ's at six a.m. in the morning!?

1 comment:

  1. It's a beautiful picture! I would liked to have seen a picture of you in your pj's and robe while taking this early morning picture! lol
