
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Wisdom of Apples

     Sweet nephew, Nathan, had his wisdom teeth extracted and I wanted to help him feel better. Couldn't take away the pain or the swelling but I did know that the boy loves homemade baked goods. Since there was a ten pound bag of apples waiting in the kitchen, I decided not on bread or cake but a healthy crock of chunky applesauce. I figured that the cinnamon-y slightly sweetened  treat could be eaten either warm or cold, and  would require little chewing and limited mouth opening! 
     I wanted enough applesauce for us to have a couple of quarts, as well as the half-quart for Nathan, so the apple peeler was deemed necessary. It made quick work of peeling, coring and slicing, though the chunks were a bit smaller than I usually prefer. Of course, the house smelled heavenly while the sauce simmered on the stove and we enjoyed some with our dinner that night. And next morning when I visited Nathan, his puffy face lit up and he immediately sat down, opened his gift and began savoring spoonfuls of his very own fall feast.

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