
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Apple-Cinnamony Gifts

     In November, before the Christmas rush, an invitation came for a housewarming party. I had been expecting the celebration, so was ready with gifts for the family's new home but also wanted to bring food or a drink. Knowing there would be children attending as well as adults, I dismissed the customary host/hostess gift of a bottle of wine in favor of a snack. I had dried some apple slices the week before so a large batch of Apple Cinnamon Chex mix was easy to put together and bake (it also made the kitchen smell heavenly for the morning!) Filled to the tip-top, a glass cookie jar with a lid made an enticing presentation, and a computer generated label tied with a raffia bow added a natural homespun look.

     That same week, we received another invitation - to attend Thanksgiving dinner at the home of hubby's brother and his extended family. In thirty years of marriage, we had never spent a holiday with that side of the family (they just weren't very close) but the patriarch was visiting from Texas and becoming frail with advancing age,  he proposed that all five sons gather with him for what might be the last time. Anyway, again I felt a gift was in order, so made another batch of the Chex Mix, put it in a clear plastic bag and  tied it with the same type of raffia bow and label. Not entirely pleased, I felt something was lacking, so I found a just-right sized basket in the basement (I buy one now and then from a garage sale or flea market and keep a few on hand for projects such as this) and arranged the bag inside - mission accomplished!

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