
Monday, May 19, 2014

Urning Volunteers

     In early May, the cleanup of autumn and winter debris from the yard is finally finished, the soil in the garden areas is turned and ready for planting, and the fun part can begin. Shopping for annuals and such (that I haven't started from seed at home) is an annual highlight of spring that is sheer delight. And so the planting begins...
     A complete surprise awaited in one of two urns that flank the garage door, where what appeared to be cucumber seedlings were sprouting en masse. I was baffled, especially at the number of seeds all grouped together and then, in an "Ah ha!" moment remembered that the urns had each held a small pumpkin during the months of October and November. Apparently they were covered by leaves and/or snow for the winter and I had forgotten about them while they languished, decomposing into nothing but seeds. What fun to find free plants after spending $$$ at the local nursery! My volunteer pumpkins have since been transplanted to a couple of different growing sites - we'll see which they prefer!

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