
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Shady Landscape Project

     The ground around this stately ash tree is a combination of bumpy roots and very thin soil - a landscape challenge that is ugly to observe and further aggravated by an energetic squirrel chaser. Pop has long wanted to alleviate this eyesore so when a friend asked if he was interested in some free concrete retaining blocks (removed for a pool installation), a new project was born.

     Using an old but trusty Radio Flyer, Pop transported the blocks from his truck to the back yard. He arranged them around the base of the tree, taking care with a level and some filler rocks that the horizontal surfaces were uniform (and moaning from a backache that evening!) A few days later, the new bed was filled with compost and garden soil, and Pop visited the local nursery with some definite ideas that he had gleaned from research. He chose a combination of hostas and caladiums - shade-loving plants with colorful foliage. After composing, planting and a thorough watering, Pop was rightfully proud of his gardening enterprise.

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