
Monday, January 12, 2015

Story Stones

     A drawstring pouch full of story stones was my Christmas gift to DIL, the teacher. I had seen variations of these on Pinterest and found them fascinating. As the holiday approached, I ran out of time to search for stones from their natural state, but did find a bag of them at the pet store in the aquarium supplies aisle! It was quick work, and fun, to paint some simple images with acrylic paint and then apply a coat of ModPodge. 
     As an afterthought, I typed up a short instruction card, (below) placed it between sheets of laminate and placed it in the pouch as well.
     I so enjoyed creating the stones - culling through them and allocating appropriate shapes and images. Hopefully the first-graders will love them as well!

1 comment:

  1. DIL LOVES them & the few firsties that have been introduced to them LOVE them as well. They were equally impressed that someone made them, a special someone!!
