
Sunday, February 22, 2015

DIM Upholstered Headboard

   This DIM (did-it-myself) project took several weeks to complete, not because it was difficult but because of the many and varied preparation procedures.

 #1. The materials were from different sources - hardware store for pegboard and one-by-twos, hobby store for foam, fabric store for faux leather, heavy thread and buttons.

#2. Several steps were necessary for completion - cutting and assembling the hard frame, cutting and gluing the foam, cutting and stapling the flannel. Yes, I know, batting is recommended but I picked up a large piece of baby blue flannel from an estate sale that worked just fine (and cost WAY less!), cutting and stapling the leather, measuring for and tying on the buttons, removing old headboard and fastening the new one.

#3. Because there were only six buttons in the store, the rest had to be special ordered, which took three weeks. Usually self-covered buttons are used for these headboards but when I found a leathery lookalike, I was sold, even if it meant a delay. Hey, I have all the rest of winter for indoor fun!

   I love the new look and we've gained about twelve inches of floor space at the foot of the bed, which may not seem like much, but is a real bonus in a room of this size.  We may miss the shelves behind our pillows for awhile but they were really only dust catchers. Now I have to decide on some wall decor and different bedside lighting - another day.

Old look - blah...

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