
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Egg Appeal

     In the office where I spend my seven-to-five workdays, I meet all kinds of people and I firmly believe in this adage: "We love all our patients - some when they walk in the door and some when they walk out!" (One day, I told my employer we should hang a sign with that quote in the reception area; he was emphatic that it would offend people, but I pointed out that perhaps, those who were affronted might rethink their attitudes!) Anyway, I have found the vast majority of folks to be kind and polite, or, if they are not, will respond in time to being treated with kindness and respect. And then there are those who are simply a delight to encounter, like Ellice. One of the loveliest Christmas gifts that I received this year was a complete surprise - a dozen eggs from Ellice's hens! They were such a beautiful combination of colors that I had to photograph them before using them in the kitchen. Thank you, Ellice, for tendering thoughtfulness and natural beauty, at holiday time and always...

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