
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Recipe Art Fail

    A lovely way to use old handwritten recipes has become popular on craft blogs and other sites; the item is matted and framed, then used as wall decor in a kitchen or dining room. When my mother passed away last year, one keepsake that I  chose to save was her collection of recipes - two card file boxes, one wooden and the other painted metal which held more than fifty decades of cuisine. Mom was a simple cook, neither extravagant nor adventurous, but everything she made was good. Her extensive recipe collection, therefore, held lots of untried fare! I was confident that Mom's collection would reveal a multitude of interesting documents, all in her beautiful handwriting. Well how wrong I was and how disappointed - almost everything was magazine or newspaper clippings, many attached to index cards. One of the only recipes relevant to this type of project was a well-worn instruction for a cheese ball, and it really did not lend itself to framing. It was concise and no nonsense, just like Mom's cooking!

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