
Monday, July 13, 2015

Blackberry Bliss

     A bounty of blackberries was given to me by lovely neighbor, Christina. (She is a young wife and mother for whom my respect continues to grow. Her three children are delightful - funny and well-mannered - which is a reflection of her personality and parenting skills, and she sanctions simple traditional pastimes such as cooking, love of nature, games, sports and religious affiliation.) Recently, the family went berry picking at a nearby farm and then canned jars of mixed berry jam. Pop and I were the recipients of a pint, which was excellent spread on our Sunday pancakes, and also of half a box of leftover blackberries, all of which were VERY large, that gave me the incentive for my Saturday baking.

     Since I have never made a blackberry pie, I searched online for a good recipe and found a highly recommended version - apple blackberry pie. The combination of the two fruits was supposed to create a better texture (plus it stretched the berries even farther and I was able to make two pies!) The results were quite tasty, even though the larger of the pies could have baked another ten or fifteen minutes in order to thicken the filling and further soften the fruit. It was gobbled anyway...thank you, Christina!

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