
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

I Spy a Cardinal

     Every year I do some pruning to this Japanese Maple to keep it from becoming overly large for the small garden area near the front porch. (Although it was labeled "dwarf variety" at the time of purchase, it has since aspired to reach a much larger stature.) This summer I discovered too late that I had unwittingly removed the leaves that hid a cardinal's nest, exposing it somewhat to the elements. I felt like such a plunderer, ravaging an avian home in such a manner. Therefore I was relieved when a short time later, a female flew in and settled on the nest, appearing unruffled and tolerably camouflaged.


    Later that day I was able to photograph these five beautiful eggs while the mama was away. A busy week intervened and I wasn't able to take another peek until the following Saturday. I was horrified and heartbroken to find the nest totally empty. Was it my fault? Did a midweek thunderstorm wreak havoc? Did a predator pillage the nest for a snack? I searched the ground underneath and found an eggshell fragment but nothing else.
     Poor mama cardinal - I mourn with you!

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