
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Jack-be-Little Twins

     Here is the sum total of my pumpkin harvest - won't make a very big pie, will it?! Jokes aside, the little guys are appropriately named "Jack-be-Little"  and they were actually a bonus because I did not buy seeds to plant. A Halloween decoration that was overlooked in late fall cleanup, overwintered in a flower pot, rotted under a blanket of fallen leaves, and self-seeded in the rich potting soil. I transplanted a couple of the strongest seedlings into a sunny corner of the yard but they did not thrive in the early summer due to a prolonged spell of cool wet weather. In August, finally, the heat and sunshine established precedence, the vines grew sturdier  and a few yellow blossoms appeared.
     Moments like this make me thankful that I do not have to depend on my garden harvest to survive!

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