
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Twas the Season for Star Wars Mania

     The seventh film of the Star Wars series was released last month and was probably more cause for celebration in our family than Christmas. In 1977, husband and son saw the first movie and began a long love affair with all things Lucas. The Force was with us through the years as they anticipated and then attended the premier of each film. Son also collected action figures and accessories. Husband was heartbroken that circumstances prevented them from seeing Episode Seven together, but cheered somewhat when nephew enthusiastically agreed to accompany him.
     The action figures survived in a case in our basement for more than thirty years - they were not brought out as playthings for the grandchildren as were the preserved Matchbox cars, Lincoln Logs and Legos (except the plastic Tauntaun - for some reason he ended life as a  pool toy!) Resale value was trifling so to coincide with the awakening Force, I wanted to gift the toys back to son, the original owner. I bought a shadow box  with a fabric-covered foam core backing. After failed attempts to attach the figures with elastic, small rubber bands and jewelry wire, I finally achieved success with orthodontic ligature wire and staples. Son was thrilled on Christmas Day.

 Another Christmas gift that followed the Star Wars theme was also a hit - son and grandson wasted no time donning their Jedi and Sith fleece bathrobes!

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