
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Waffled Potatoes

     Years ago for our anniversary, Pop and I rented a riverfront cottage on the bluffs in Hermann, Missouri. It was quiet and secluded, and boasted lovely views from a hot tub on the deck, but one feature we always remember with delight was the Belgian waffle maker in the tiny kitchen. On the counter, we found waffle mix and syrup and had great fun making the giant fluffy treats for breakfast, which were served with orange juice from the stocked refrigerator. So when I happened to see a waffle maker on sale in the paper earlier this month, it seemed to be the perfect anniversary gift to ourselves. We've since made regular waffles a couple times, but when there were scalloped potatoes left over from last night's dinner, I thought to try something different. After crushing the potatoes slightly, and adding a little milk, flour and an egg, I placed dollops on the waffle maker and cooked till the outsides were crispy brown. What a nice change from the usual hash browns and so pretty next to the bacon and scrambled eggs!

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