
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Tomato Bacon Soup

     When it's less than ten degrees outside, nothing is better for lunch than tomato soup - right? The standard Campbell's variety is beloved for its simplicity and for nostalgic reasons, however, I tried something different today - homemade soup. Maybe homemade is a misnomer here because rather than fresh tomatoes I used canned, but I did saute chopped onions and garlic before incorporating the diced tomatoes and tomato sauce. After a twenty minute simmer on the stove top, I added a pinch of paprika, a little salt and pepper, and some evaporated milk (for creaminess), and then ladled into bowls. Served with french bread slices topped with melting cheddar cheese, and garnished with lots of crumbled bacon, this soup was a special tasty treat on a cold dreary day.

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