
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Amish Mini Quilt

     This mini quilt top was pieced fifteen years ago when I needed something to hang on a newly papered wall in the dining room. The cathedral ceiling sloped to its highest point over this area but I didn't want a painting, plaque or mirror. When I saw the design in a book of quilts, I found the Amish colors and simple but arresting pattern very appealing. Although the cotton quilt top has a soft country feel,  the sharp angles and shapes lend a modern touch, so when I recently replaced the old patterned wallpaper with a contemporary color paint, I opted to rehang the quilt. And I still love it.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Porcupine Balls

     This southwest version of Porcupine Balls is a favorite in our family. Of course, just the moniker renders giggles from the teenager, and even more so when I ask him how big he thought the porcupine must have been. The unappetizing thought is forgotten with one bite of these yummy fellows, which are shaped by hand from ground chuck, rice, jalapenos, eggs, and spices and then baked in the oven.

     After removal from the oven, the balls are drained and placed in a simple sauce of tomatoes, beer, spices and flour, which simmers for another thirty minutes on the stove. Served with a salad and chunks of warm garlic parmesan bread to mop the sauce, the meal was a hit with the teen, and the rest of the family as well.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring Visit to the Stable

     We look forward to spring break for several reasons: a hiatus from school, the feeling that winter is finally over, but mostly for a visit to Crescent Stable to see Scout and his friends. The designated week opened with three gloriously sunny and warm days but on Friday, my day off work and consequently the day chosen for our excursion, the morning dawned with clouds and snowflakes. Not to be deterred by Mother Nature, we dressed warmly and armed with a bag of carrots for the horses, extra dry gloves for the girls, and cameras fully charged, our little entourage piled into the car for the forty minute drive. Even such a short distance evoked the familiar, "Are we there yet?" more than once from Rissy, but upon arriving, she was silenced by the convention of several cardinals in the budding trees near the feeder and even took some rather good photos of them.

Scout knew the bag of apples and carrots came from the car. Was he checking to see if there were any more?

Rissy's pink attire, snow-white Cherokee and the white iron gate were in vivid contrast to the drab brown background of a wet day (that felt more like winter than spring).


After an introduction and a wary appraisal of each other, Rissy and handsome Ace, the newest member of the herd, became acquainted.

Friendly, gentle Tom posed for the camera, perhaps to show off his winter whiskers.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cool Chicken Broccoli Pizza

     Chicken breasts were the best buy last week at the market so they were the obvious main ingredient choice for Sunday's birthday party. The forecast for warm weather justified a cool main dish and the amount of people indicated that finger food was preferable. I always like dishes that can be prepared ahead, so on Saturday the chicken was cooked and shredded, the vegetables rinsed and chopped, and a spinach dip prepared. The pizza shells were baked the morning of the party and when cooled, were spread with the dip; chicken and vegetables were sprinkled over generously and the pizzas were placed in the refrigerator till right before the party. Cut into serving size squares and placed on a big platter, the pizza was attractive, colorful and even pretty healthy to boot. The adults raved and the kids never complained about the broccoli or the spinach. In fact, at day's end there were only three slices left!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ducky Birthday Party

     For her tenth birthday, Marissa chose a duck theme At first I was skeptical, but then reasoned that it was more interesting than a Justin Bieber party. Also it was fun because it was probably the last time we'll celebrate with a little girl theme. Researching online and at the local 'dime' store (a motherload of duckies, especially now at Easter season), produced lots of simple ideas and I already had a couple of stuffed toy ducks in my Easter decor boxes - like the little fellow shown below holding an appropriate penant. 

The fanciful sign below was composed and printed on my computer, and placed in the front yard garden near the sidewalk, directing visitors to the hypothetical party place (beyond the front door).


One of the activities was a game involving these paper duck feet. Players had to follow the trail, stepping on the feet, until they came to a basket of plastic duck eggs (again from my Easter deco box), where they had to pick up an egg without using their hands and return to start.

The yellow layer cake, frosted with blue buttercream, was embellished with marshmallow "bubbles" and four rubber duckies. After the photo was taken, ten candles were added to the top layer.

Most of the gift wrapping reflected the chosen theme as well. 

A cheerful plush duckling sits happily between two china bowls of malted milk eggs. (Two bags were divided into colors; the pink were saved for another time.)

 Even the garden provided an unexpected complement to the color scheme - a spray of radiant daffodils!

Miss Molly Helps with Duck Party Decorations

     For the birthday party, multi-colored ducks were printed on paper, cut into discs and attached by thread to the dining room chandelier. Miss Molly was quite fascinated with them, especially when a breeze caused the little fellows to flutter.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Husky in Hiding

     Sometimes I think Nikki is opposed to photography. When the camera is aimed in his direction, or I ask him to sit or stay, he gets an exasperated look on his face. On this particular sunny morning the inference seemed to be, "If I can't see you, you can't see me!"

Monday, March 14, 2011

Spaghetti Squash Dinner

     Pop and I have always loved spaghetti squash but in its very plainest form - cooked and served with a little butter and parmesan as a side dish. However a recent episode of Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, featured the squash in a main dish and I adapted the recipe to include slightly different ingredients based upon my current pantry staples. After cooking the squash , the strands were removed and sauteed with onions, sweet peppers, and brocolli. The mixture was returned to the shells and baked awhile, then topped with provel cheese and baked a little longer till the cheese was melted and bubbly. A topping of warm marinara sauce completed the meal. I have never seen Pop so enthusiastic about a meatless meal, in fact, it was so tasty that we both overate!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Catty Clan

     Cats are good company and this family of felines is no exception. I originally stitched and stuffed this gyspy-like quartet to sit on a nursery shelf, but they have since provided hours of fun for little hands who like to dress and accessorize. While the dresses and aprons are sewn together, a basket holds several interchangeable shawls, collars, ribbons and hats that are merely attached with straight pins. (Luckily children are unaware of voodoo!) Even though their simple construction has a basic appeal and the old-fashioned clothing has a primitive elegance, I will admit I am surprised that little girls of today find these very uncontemporary playthings fascinating!

(Addendum to the Doll Birthday post from March 9)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Of Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Wet Concrete

     A sullen mood has enveloped our house for a few days because the recent heavy rains have caused the basement to become a sieve. Leaks have sprung from the east, south and west walls. There are no visible cracks  but because we live at the bottom of a low hill and in a creek bottom, the water table is high and the ground becomes saturated quickly. Because we are aware of this problem, the only dry corner to the northeast contains the carpeted media room. The concrete floors of the other areas (laundry, workroom, recreation area and storage) are usually kept clutter free and everything else is slightly raised by plastic furniture glides or wood slats. So nothing is ruined but while the little rivers run and pool, they are annoying, smelly, etc.

     However this morning the news releases on television are showing horrific destruction from an earthquake and tsunami in Japan, with more disaster possible in other areas. This terrible affliction makes my petty basement tribulation seem so very insignificant. I am humbled and my prayers go out to the ruined lives of the affected Japanese people.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Birthday Fit for a Doll

      Can playing with dolls appeal to an adult? As children, my sisters and I spent hours with our "babies"; we had cribs and buggies and high chairs, often setting up housekeeping in the backyard under the shade of the sweet gum tree. But if I recall correctly, somewhere around the age of nine or ten, the doll phase gave way to the animal phase. (Stuffed puppies, cats, rabbits and a hairless bear were well tended in our makeshift veterinary clinic and we had a stable of imaginary horses in the garage.) So it is with pleasure that now I share the love of dolls with Rissy - she is nearly ten years old but continues to be stubbornly passionate about them - in spite of the trend for girls to grow up so quickly.

    When her favorite doll was a year old, Rissy asked if we could have a birthday party. My inner child delighted at the prospect so we made a little cake, which Rissy decorated in suitable feminine colors. The dolls, hers and mine (another story), were dressed up for the occasion and placed around the guest of honor. After the candle was blown out and the cake portioned and consumed, the party was pronounced a success. And Rissy put all the tired attendees down for a nap.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Kitty by the Crocus

     So much snow and ice to photograph and journal these last few months, but now the frigid grip of winter bows out gracefully and allows the crocus to bloom, with tulips and daffodils sprouting from the cold, wet earth to flower a bit later in the season. Gracefully is perhaps too gracious a description - violent thunderstorms with high winds and torrential rainfall swept through the county two nights ago, and we all know that a late season snowfall is possible and even expected. But for now the back porch is drier than the basement (which is crisscrossed by what Rissy and I call mini-Mississippies, caused by two-inch rainfall and downspouts clogged by nesting mice.) Little Miss Molly, being mostly an indoor cat, is not able to patrol for the annoying pests, but she does enjoy racing in and out of the open doors and posing for a portrait near March's first flourish.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Celebrating Dr. Seuss

"Today is good. Today is fun. Tomorrow is another one."

     Today is March 2 and happens also to be the birthday of Theodor Seuss Geisel. The renowned children's author has always been a favorite of mine because of his signature rhyming verse, alternating patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables, and the wisdom that shines through the zany stories and characters. I have always believed that rhymes help a child to develop reading skills by stressing comprehension of phrases instead of individual words. Thank you and Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!