
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Redwood Updated

     The old redwood two-seater traveled with us from our original townhome over twenty years ago. We had a love/hate relationship with this piece of patio furniture: Pop loved it - I hated it. We reached a compromise that pleased us both. After a paint job and new slipcovers for the cushions, it was allowed to stay on the front porch where Pop enjoyed sitting on it and I enjoyed looking at it. To tie the piece in with the decor of the house, I chose the same Dover gray paint used on the siding, however, a new fabric wallhanging inspired the rest of the colorful Engelbreit theme. Checkerboard and floral designs embellish the built-in table and are accented by a matching checked pillow tufted with a big red button. Even an ordinary clay flowerpot sports the happy new theme, hand-painted with similar details and planted with a small fern graced with bright red berries. (And since the southwest sky is visible from this comfortable spot, we can also monitor any approaching storm fronts, of which there have been quite a few this spring!)

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