
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Jenna Woginrich's Advice on Taking Control of Your Life

     Today I am merely quoting from a most entertaining book, "Made from Scratch". Author Jenna Woginrich is delightfully witty and informative as she describes her adventures on a journey towards a simpler, self-sufficient life.

"I think the real trick to finding that sense of satisfaction is to realize you don't need much to attain it. A window box ... can be all the freedom you need. If it isn't everything you want for the future, let it be enough for tonight.

Don't look at your current situation as a hindrance to living the way you want, because living the way you want has nothing to do with how much land you have or how much you can afford to spend on a new house. It has to do with the way you choose to live every day and how content you are with what you have.

Accepting where you are today, and working toward what's ahead, is the best you can do...the starting point is to take control of what you can and smile with how things are."

Wise woman.

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