
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Strawberry Lover's Ice Cream Cake

     Sister, Carol, hosted a lovely lunch for Mom's eighty-sixth birthday, that included a very generous variety of cold sliced meats, cheeses, bread, fresh vegetables and fruit. I volunteered to make the cake, with an idea already in mind that simply needed a special occasion to warrant making it. After baking and cooling a strawberry cake, I sliced it in half horizontally. Prepackaged frozen ice cream sandwiches were arranged tightly atop the bottom cake layer, then whipped cream spread over. The top layer of cake was then replaced and more whipped cream topped off the whole thing, which was then covered and placed in the freezer for a couple of hours. Sis lives a good distance away  so I waited till party time to decorate the top with sliced fresh strawberries and small chocolate-covered peppermint patties.
     The cake looked so pretty upon presentation and Mom was delighted. Each serving displayed all of the  layers and were attractive as well as tantalizing. Young nephew, Nathan, even requested a replication for his birthday which is eight months away!

     A funny little story to add here concerns Nathan again, and the placement of the birthday candles. As can be seen in the picture below, we placed six of them together at one end of the cake. Why? The answer is two-fold. Usually aided by an oxygen tank, Mom hasn't much air in her lungs these days and the closely spaced candles would be easier for her to extinguish. Secondly, it was entirely possible that more than air would be sprayed as Mom blew out the flames. That gross little thought was not broadcast among the party attendees until I teased Nathan with the suggestion that his piece had been cut from that end of the cake. If only a camera could have caught the ghastly expression on his face!

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