
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Recovered Quilt

   Our everyday quilt has suffered from puppy love. Although we had originally planned to keep Dunc off our bed and in his own, as soon as his legs were long enough to propel him, he hopped up there quite often. Now he is eighteen months old and doesn't sleep there all night but likes to snuggle awhile at bedtime, wake us up in the morning with kisses, and pout with sad eyes if we are preparing to go out. I temporarily  retired a beautiful sage green embroidered quilt, thinking I could replace it as Dunc matured but now I only put it out when we have a party or visitors. Therefore the inexpensive alternate has become a little tattered in some areas. Luckily the tears and rips are in the middle, and the outside strips are perfectly intact, so I decided to add a coordinating layer to the quilt. I found a length of cotton cloth  printed with a vintage-look cabbage rose pattern at the local fabric store, cut it to fit the center of the spread, and sewed it in place, somewhat like a large applique! Now the surface is smooth with no quilted stitches to catch little claws; Dunc is happy (unless he happens to be pouting) and Mama is even happier.

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