
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Nature Girl

     The camping trip mentioned in the previous post provided lots of photo opportunities, especially with the pristine beauty of the crystal clear stream and the panoramic scenery, but these human studies may be my favorite shots. Young Rissy is an animal lover to the 'nth' degree (it is difficult to get her to leave the local pet supply store because she swoons over the poor unadopted cats and the cages full of hamsters or ferrets!) so she delighted in discovering and studying the tiny toads that scattered as we walked along the shore. The little fellow below was content in her hand for a few moments of friendly scrutiny.

     Part of our day we spent in the shallows, and armed with small nets we hunted for tadpoles, crawdads, minnows or anything else that looked interesting, including unusual rocks. Of course, all of our catches, like this baby trout (a fingerling?) were soon released, but not before a tender good-bye.

     While writing about the photos above, I was reminded of another from about twelve years ago:  Rissy's brother, Vinny, was quite fond of his amphibious friend also!

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