
Monday, August 26, 2013

"Terducken" Tent

     The title of this post might appear slightly odd but then so did the tent. Granddaughter, Rissy, accompanied us on our annual trip to the primitive campsite on the Little Piney River while her father was to join us the following day. She was excited to have her own tent (this is the same girl who cried for her mother two years ago!) But after setting up, I was the one with a problem - although her tent was just six feet away from ours and we were miles from any populated area, I had an uneasy feeling about her being alone all night. Pop suggested an ideal solution that placated my misgivings while allowing Rissy to remain in her tent. We dragged her little dome inside the screened porch area that opened off the side of our larger tent, so that she had to enter our front door to access hers. So Rissy's tent-within-a-tent was a fun alternative - we could converse but still had private quarters. And she had extra protection during an afternoon thunderstorm!

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