
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Spinach Artichoke Dip

     Football Sundays have given way to basketball Sundays, and those come to end soon. While these games are not important to me, they certainly are to Pop. This winter, we have begun a new tradition of only two meals on Sunday - a substantial mid-morning breakfast and what we like to call lunner (late lunch/early dinner). Usually the latter is a sit-down, home-cooked affair, which I enjoy preparing because I have the time. Occasionally, however, Pop will request something like a hot dip served with chips, so he can munch throughout the afternoon. Spinach artichoke is a favorite - warm from the oven, gooey with cheese and fragrant from garlic. I admit to being a muncher too...

Monday, March 30, 2015

Simple Seedling Markers

     In a week or two, the unseasonably cold weather should moderate and my portable greenhouse will stand ready for plant transition. Dozens of seedlings in my windowsill starters (see post on 2/28/11) are crying for more space. Case in point are these Sweet Million and Rutger Tomatoes, which were transferred into cells this morning before getting too spindly. In order to identify them come planting time in early May, I have found a frugal way of making plant markers from a recycled milk jug.  Scissors are used to cut up the jug into rectangles, and plant names are written on them with a Sharpie pen. These labels are durable and even reusable. Ah the smell of tomato plants - truly a token of summer!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Some Bunny's Birthday

     The theme for Rissy's fourteenth birthday party was "Some Bunny". Since her special day is late in March, it was easy to utilize some of my Easter rabbits as accessories. The silly little purse that hung on the front door (and happened to be Rissy's when she was a toddler) displayed an announcement to visitors.
     Fresh fruit, and cantaloupe in particular, are favorites of the birthday girl. To slightly embellish the plain melon slices, I used a small cookie cutter to create interchangeable heart shapes.

     Over the years, I've made variations of bunny cakes for Rissy so this year I chose a dessert that featured no cottontails but other favorites. Brownies baked in muffin tins had the centers spooned out and were filled with rounded scoops of vanilla ice cream, then topped with chocolate syrup and sprinkles. Fourteen of them, of course, held candles, and, of course, I didn't think to photograph the little delights until after serving time, when the ice cream had begun to melt and the syrup to run!

     Vinny was the unequivocal  winner of  this hilarious game -  picking up cotton balls and transferring them to a bowl with only a dab of toothpaste on his nose. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Moon Prints

     So simple but so striking - these framed prints are a new addition to the master bedroom. The moon-themed graphics (a restful subject, I felt) were gathered from online sources and printed on old book pages. Black frames and white mats add a classic clean line to the artwork and contrast nicely with the delicate mottled look of the sponged walls. Now I have promised Hubby to honor his request to find a large print of a moonlit ship for another wall!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Breaking Bread on St. Patrick's Day

     Corned beef, carrots and potatoes simmer in the slow-cooker, cabbage wedges steam in borrowed broth on the stove top, and green bread was baked earlier in the day - not the conventional rye variety but a couple of pretzel loaves! Yes we broke tradition, but at least they ARE green!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Headboard-To-Shelf Transformation

     A short while ago, I posted about my new upholstered headboard, which was the first step in my bedroom rehab. The plan was to take apart the old headboard shelves, cut the pieces to size, and reassemble with the narrowed shelf attached atop the existing nightstand. This required meticulous measurement and calibration, as I wanted the new shelf unit to match the height of the dresser-top mirror. The thirty year old suite of furniture was all beautiful hardwood and sturdily built so the careful deconstruction took longer than the rebuild!

     Well everything went swimmingly - which was quite a surprise. The addition of  some framed artwork and new swing-arm lamps completed the project, and I was more than pleased - I can't stop admiring the fresh look, and especially love the new lamps.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Recipe Art Fail

    A lovely way to use old handwritten recipes has become popular on craft blogs and other sites; the item is matted and framed, then used as wall decor in a kitchen or dining room. When my mother passed away last year, one keepsake that I  chose to save was her collection of recipes - two card file boxes, one wooden and the other painted metal which held more than fifty decades of cuisine. Mom was a simple cook, neither extravagant nor adventurous, but everything she made was good. Her extensive recipe collection, therefore, held lots of untried fare! I was confident that Mom's collection would reveal a multitude of interesting documents, all in her beautiful handwriting. Well how wrong I was and how disappointed - almost everything was magazine or newspaper clippings, many attached to index cards. One of the only recipes relevant to this type of project was a well-worn instruction for a cheese ball, and it really did not lend itself to framing. It was concise and no nonsense, just like Mom's cooking!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Golabki - Our Polish Dinner

     One of the only Polish meals that I remember my mother making was stuffed cabbage rolls. Although I'm uncertain whether Mom got the recipe from her Polish-born mother-in-law or from her trusty Better Homes & Gardens Cookbook, I know they tasted similar to the ones I made Sunday night. Ground beef, rice, onion and spices are enveloped inside a parboiled cabbage leaf and baked in a tomato sauce flavored with brown sugar, paprika and a dash of vinegar.
     These golabki (pronounced go-wumpki - as children, we always laughed at that word and wondered if we should wear our babushkas to the table) induce wonderful memories and happy taste buds! And the leftovers, below, are perfectly welcome as a quick fix for tomorrow's dinner.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Hang On, Kids!

     Back in November, I asked my grandchildren to strike an unusual pose. Both hams, they complied with no problem and were content with my non-explanation,  "No questions before Christmas!"  Later I printed the photos, applied clear adhesive laminate and a twine loop. Although the project had been described as bookmarks, I used mine (yes, I made two sets!) for tree ornaments. The other set was a gift to their parents and I hope they treasure the suspended kids as much as I do!
In January, I used the same photos in a birthday card for Vince, only this time I photoshopped the kids onto another pic of a ceiling fan. Swing around, fun time!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Cheesy Jalapeno Cornbread Muffins

     Pop was not fond of cornbread, claiming it was always too dry. Then I found a recipe that used Jiffy Corn Bread Mix but instead of  following the recipe printed on the side of the box, called for the addition of honey, shredded cheddar cheese and sour cream, and a topping of Parmesan cheese. These muffins were moist and flavorful, and now Pop actually requests them occasionally! (He also loves a topping of chopped jalapenos while I prefer to savor the corny-cheesy flavor, so only half are graced with green.)