
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Bird Catchers

     A summer Sunday in 1963,  four sisters gather on the back porch steps. Three of them are still in church dresses and shoes, and the oldest is holding on to a taut length of kite string. However it is not a kite at the other end but a stick perhaps eight inches long that holds up an overturned galvanized tub. Strategically placed bread crumbs placed on the lawn lead into the dark area under the tub and the girls are waiting for a hungry bird to enter the "trap". The birds are never harmed and are always immediately released because even though they love the thrill of the catch, especially a large grackle or a noisy blue jay, the tender-hearted girls are animal lovers.
    Just a little post-script to this story: As a toddler, littlest sister Judy did not like socks and was even prone to an occasional tantrum if they didn't "feel right'. She must have outgrown the aversion by the time this photo was snapped because her white anklets are neatly folded and perfectly in place!

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